Zone L: Mukinbudin, Bonnie Rock
The map above shows earthquakes of mag 3.0 and above since Jan 2000. Two groups are apparent, with one Magn. 4 event (ML 4.2 on 3 Jan 2017), about 10 km to the SE of Bonnie Rock. This was the initial and largest of a group of ~ 40 located events, over ~ two weeks.
A cluster about 25 km south of these events (and east of Mukinbudin) occurred in Nov. 2022 (largest, ML 3.2), and contained ~ 20 events above ML 2.0.
Several other swarms have been located in the Mukinbudin area, but as all their events had magnitudes < 3.0, they do not show on the above map.
A cluster east of Bonnie Rock between 1999 and 2000 was partially monitored with temporary seismographs.