zone g added

Zone G. This zone is notable for several large events. The first was an ML 4.8 event in July? 2007 to the west of Broomehill (SE of Kojonup). This event caused significant damage to a nearby farm house, and caused a small scarp visible for about 200 m, which was ~ 0.5 m high. There were few aftershocks from this event large enough to locate ( ie, above magnitude 2.0), but many smaller aftershocks were recorded by temporary instruments set up after the event.

The next event of significance was an ML 4.8 event in January 2023, about 10 km SW of Arthur Rv. This event caused significant damage at a nearby farm, and had several hundred locatable aftershocks over the next two years.

The third event was a magnitude 5.0 event NE of Gnowangerup in August 2023. This event caused major structural damage to a nearby farm house. It was not accompanied by a numerous aftershock swarm, like many other large events in the region are.